Script: --on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬¬Global selectedTitleNum, titleList¬global gWindowPositions¬global gShowOnlyMyTitles, gMyTitleList, gCurrentPaneList¬¬---------------------¬-- This is window #6¬---------------------¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ -- Restore old window position¬ set cursor to watch¬ put OldWindowPosition(6) into windowRect¬ if windowRect = empty then centerWindow wdName¬ else wsSet wdID,"0","Rect",windowRect¬ ¬ -- Figure out which selection to start with¬ wsSet wdID,"10","Hilite",gShowOnlyMyTitles¬ wsSet wdID,"9","Hilite", not (gShowOnlyMyTitles)¬ ¬ put line selectedTitleNum of titleList into theTitle¬ put Capitalize(char 1 of (line selectedTitleNum of titleList)) into firstChar¬ ¬ if firstChar >= "A" and firstChar <= "Z" then put CharToNum(firstChar) - 63 into alphaSelectPos¬ else put 1 into alphaSelectPos¬ set alphaStrip_Selection of window id wdID to (alphaSelectPos & ",1")¬ ¬ if gShowOnlyMyTitles = true then¬ SetNewList gMyTitleList, alphaSelectPos, wdID, false¬ put find(gCurrentPaneList, theTitle, "Line", "Exact") into foundPos¬ if foundPos < 1 and the number of lines of gCurrentPaneList > 0 then put 1 into foundPos¬ set the properties of window id wdID to "Comictitles_Selection:" & (foundPos) & return & "Modify…_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return & "Remove_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return ¬ else¬ SetNewList TitleList, alphaSelectPos, wdID, false¬ set the properties of window id wdID to "Comictitles_Selection:" & (selectedTitleNum - (xlistStartPos of window id wdID) + 1) & return & "Modify…_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return & "Remove_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return ¬ end if¬ ¬ set typedTitle_text of window id wdID to comicTitles_SelectionText of window id wdID¬ set typedTitle_Selection of window id wdID to "0,200"¬ ¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ set cursor to arrow¬else if objValue="Close" then ¬ -- save the window position¬ put "6" & tab & wdName & tab & wsGet(wdID,"0","Rect") into line 6 of gWindowPositions¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ ¬else if objValue="Suspend" then ¬ put frontWindow() into theFrontID¬ if wsGet(theFrontID,"0","HasCloseBox") <> "True" then¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ disable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬ end if¬ ¬else if objValue="Resume" then ¬ if the short name of this background <> "Title" then ¬ lock screen¬ go cd 1 of bg "Title"¬ end if¬ if there is a menuItem "Close" of menu "File" then¬ enable menuItem "Close" of menu "File"¬ end if¬end if¬¬--end windowEvent
Result: i2_TextOfSelection¬i2_Selection
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 153,273,225,293
Name: OK
DefaultItem: TRUE
Balloon: Click here (or press the “Return” key) to get information on the title you’ve selected in the list above.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬Global SelectedTitleNums, selectedTitle, kioskMode, gRestrictMatureTitles¬global gListStartPos, titleList, selectedTitleNum¬¬put ComicTitles_TextOfSelection of window id wdID into SelectedTitle¬if SelectedTitle <> empty then¬ ¬ put find(titleList,selectedTitle,"Line","Exact") into whereFound¬ if whereFound > 0 then¬ put whereFound into SelectedTitleNums¬ put SelectedTitleNums into selectedTitleNum¬ ¬ if kioskMode = true and gRestrictMatureTitles = true and (the hilite of bg btn "Mature readers only" of cd selectedTitleNums of bg "Title") then¬ -- Don't allow¬ put fld "DisplayTitle" of cd selectedTitleNums of bg "Title" into theTitle¬ get Windowscript("Stop Alert","“" & theTitle & "” is restricted to mature readers only. Please ask your seller for information about it.")¬ else¬ lock screen¬ go cd (SelectedTitleNums) of bg "Title"¬ end if¬ wsSend "ComicBase Titles","0","SendToBack"¬ end if¬end if¬--end mouseUp¬¬
ItemType: LIST
Rect: 10,63,361,246
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
AutoSize: FALSE
GrowItem: TRUE
Name: ComicTitles
Logic: Single
DoubleClickItem: 1
Text: Sable¬Sable (Mike Grell’s…)¬Sabre¬Sabretooth¬Sachs & Violens¬Safest Place in the World, The¬Saga of Crystar, the Crystal Warrior¬Saga of the Original Human Torch¬Saga of the Sub-Mariner¬Saga of the Swamp Thing, The¬Saint Sinner¬Sam Slade, Robo-Hunter¬Samurai¬Samurai Cat¬Samurai: Demon Sword¬Sanctuary Part 2¬Sanctuary Part 4¬San Diego Comic-Con Comics¬Sandman¬Sandman Mystery Theatre¬Sandman, The¬Santana¬Satan Place¬Satan’s Planet (A Day In Life On…)¬Satan’s Six¬Satan’s Six: Hellspawn¬Savage Combat Tales¬Savage Dragon, The¬Savage Dragon, The (Mini-Series)¬Savage Dragon Vs. The Savage Megaton Man, The¬Savage Henry: Headstrong¬Savage Return of Dracula, The¬Savage She-Hulk, The¬Savage Sword of Conan¬Savage Tales (2nd Series)¬Scamp (Walt Disney…)¬Scarab¬Scaramouch¬Scarlet in Gaslight¬Scarlet Spider Unlimited¬Scarlett¬Scarlet Witch¬Scary Tales¬SCC Convention Special¬Scimidar¬Score, The¬Scorpion Corps¬Scorpion, The¬Scorpio Rose¬Screen Monsters¬Screwball Squirrel¬Scud: The Disposable Assassin¬Sea Devils¬SeaQuest¬Sebastian O¬Sebastian (Walt Disney’s…)¬Second City¬Second Life of Doctor Mirage, The¬Secret City Saga (Jack Kirby’s…)¬Secret Defenders¬Secret Origins (1st Series)¬Secret Origins (2nd Series)¬Secret Society of Super-Villains¬Secrets of Haunted House¬Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes¬Secrets of the Valiant Universe¬Secret Wars II¬Secret Weapons¬Sectaurs¬Seduction¬Seduction of the Innocent¬Seduction of the Innocent (Eclipse)¬Seekers Into the Mystery¬Seeker: Vengeance¬Semper Fi¬Sensational She-Hulk, The¬Sensational Spider-Man ’96¬Sensational Spider-Man in Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut, The¬Sensational Spider-Man, The¬Sensei¬Sentinel¬Seraphim¬Seven Block¬Sewage Dragoon, The¬Sex & Death¬Sex, Lies and Mutual Funds of the Yuppies From Hell¬Sex Warrior¬Sgt. Fury¬Sgt. Rock¬Shades of Gray Comics and Stories¬Shade, the Changing Man (1st Series)¬Shade, the Changing Man (2nd Series)¬Shado: Song of the Dragon¬Shadowalker Chronicles, The¬Shadow and Doc Savage, The¬Shadow Cabinet¬Shadow Empires: Faith Conquers¬ShadowHawk Gallery¬ShadowHawk (Vol. 1)¬ShadowHawk (Vol. 2)¬ShadowHawk (Vol. 3)¬Shadowman¬Shadowmasters¬Shadow of the Torturer, The (Gene Wolfe’s…)¬Shadow Raven¬Shadow Riders¬Shadows Fall¬Shadow State¬Shadow Strikes!, The¬Shadow, The (1st Series)¬Shadow, The (2nd Series)¬Shadow, The (3rd Series)¬Shadow, The (4th Series)¬Shadow, The: Hell’s Heat Wave¬Shadow, The: In the Coils of Leviathan¬Shadow, The (Movie Adaptation)¬Shadow War of Hawkman, The¬Shaman’s Tears¬Shanda the Panda¬Shanna the She-Devil¬Shaolin¬Shatter (1st Series)¬Shatter (2nd Series)¬Shazam!¬Shazam: The New Beginning¬She-Cat¬Sheila Trent: Vampire Hunter¬Sherlock Holmes¬Sherlock Holmes (Eternity)¬Sherlock Holmes of the ‘30s¬Shi/Cyblade: The Battle for Independents¬SHIELD¬Shi: Senryaku¬Shi: The Way of the Warrior¬Shock SuspenStories (EC)¬Shock SuspenStories (RCP)¬Shogun Warriors¬Shottloose¬Showcase¬Showcase ’93¬Showcase ’94¬Showcase ’95¬Showcase ’96¬Shroud, The¬Sideshow Comics¬Siege¬Signal to Noise¬Silencers¬Silverback¬Silverblade¬Silverfawn¬Silverheels¬Silver Sable¬Silver Star¬Silver Star (Jack Kirby’s…)¬Silverstorm¬Silver Surfer/Superman¬Silver Surfer, The (Vol. 1)¬Silver Surfer, The (Vol. 2)¬Silver Surfer, The (Vol. 3)¬Silver Surfer Vs. Dracula¬Silver Surfer/Warlock: Resurrection¬Simpsons Comics¬Simpsons Comics and Stories¬Simpsons Comics (Magazine)¬Sinbad¬Sin City: A Dame to Kill For¬Sin City: That Yellow Bastard¬Sinister House of Secret Love, The¬Sin of the Mummy¬Sister Armageddon¬Sisterhood of Steel¬Sisters of Darkness¬Sisters of Mercy¬Six Degrees¬Six From Sirius¬Six From Sirius 2¬Six Million Dollar Man, The¬Skeleton Warriors¬Skin¬Skin13¬Skin Graft: The Adventures of a Tattooed Man¬Skizz¬Skreemer¬Skrull Kill Krew¬Skull & Bones¬Skull the Slayer¬Sky Gal¬Skynn & Bones¬Slapstick¬Slash Maraud¬Sledge Hammer¬Sleepwalker¬Sleeze Brothers¬Slimer!¬Sláine the Horned God¬Slow Burn¬Sludge¬Small Bodied Ninja High School¬Small Killing, A¬Smoot¬Smurfs¬Snap the Punk Turtle¬Snarf¬Snarl¬Snowman¬SOB: Special Operations Branch¬S.O.F.T. Corps¬Solarman¬Solar, Man of the Atom¬Soldier Comics¬Solitaire¬Solo¬Solo Avengers¬Solomon Kane¬Solution, The¬Somerset Holmes¬Sonic Disruptors¬Sonic the Hedgehog¬Son of Ambush Bug¬Soul¬Southern Squadron, The (Aircel)¬Sovereign Seven¬Soviet Super Soldiers¬Space: 1999¬Space Bananas¬Space Family Robinson¬Space Giants, The¬Spacehawk¬Space Patrol (Adventure)¬Space Usagi (Vol. 2)¬Space Usagi (Vol. 3)¬Space War¬Spandex Tights¬Spanner’s Galaxy¬Sparkling Stars¬Sparkplug¬Sparrow¬Spartan: Warrior Spirit¬Spawn¬Spawn-Batman¬Spawn/WildC.A.T.S¬Special Marvel Edition¬Special War Series¬Spectacular Spider-Man, The¬Spectre, The (1st Series)¬Spectre, The (2nd Series)¬Spectre, The (3rd Series)¬Speedball¬Speed Demon¬Speed Racer (1st Series)¬Speed Racer Featuring Ninja High School¬Spellbound¬Spelljammer¬Spicy Tales¬Spider-Boy¬Spider-Man¬Spider-Man 2099¬Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends¬Spider-Man and X-Factor: Shadowgames¬Spider-Man Classics¬Spider-Man: Friends & Enemies¬Spider-Man/Gen13¬Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives¬Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Omega¬Spider-Man: Power of Terror¬Spider-Man/Punisher: Family Plot¬Spider-Man Saga¬Spider-Man Special Edition¬Spider-Man Team-Up¬Spider-Man: The Arachnis Project¬Spider-Man: The Clone Journal¬Spider-Man: The Final Adventure¬Spider-Man: The Lost Years¬Spider-Man: The Mutant Agenda¬Spider-Man Unlimited¬Spider-Man Vs. Dracula¬Spider-Man: Web of Doom¬Spider, The¬Spider-Woman¬Spidery-Mon: Maximum Carcass¬Spidey Super Stories¬Spine-Tingling Tales (Dr. Spektor Presents…)¬Spiral Zone¬Spirits of Vengeance¬Spirit, The (Harvey)¬Spitfire and the Troubleshooters¬Splatter¬Splitting Image¬Spoof¬Spyke¬Squadron Supreme¬Squalor¬Stainless Steel Armadillo¬Stainless Steel Rat¬Stalker¬Stalkers¬Stanley and His Monster¬Star¬Star Blazers: The Magazine of Space Battleship Yamato¬Star Blazers (Vol. 2)¬Star Blecch: Deep Space Diner¬Star Brand, The¬Starchild¬Stardusters¬Starfire¬Starhead Presents¬Star Hunters¬Starlord¬Starlord Megazine¬Star-Lord, The Special Edition¬Starman (1st Series)¬Starman (2nd Series)¬Starriors¬Star Slammers¬Starslayer¬Starslayer: The Director’s Cut¬Star Spangled War Stories¬Starstream¬Starstruck (Epic)¬Startling Crime Illustrated¬Star Trek (4th Series)¬Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Malibu)¬Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Marvel)¬Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rules of Diplomacy¬Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, The Maquis¬Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Ultimate Annual¬Star Trek: First Contact¬Star Trek: The Next Generation¬Star Trek: The Next Generation—Ill Wind¬Star Wars¬Star Wars: A New Hope—The Special Edition¬Star Wars: Droids (Vol. 1)¬Star Wars: Droids (Vol. 2)¬Star Wars (Magazine)¬Star Wars: Return of the Jedi¬Star Wars: River of Chaos¬Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind’s Eye¬Star Wars: Tales From Mos Eisley¬Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi¬Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi—The Golden Age of the Sith¬Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron¬Static¬Stealth Squad¬Steed and Mrs. Peel¬Steel¬Steelgrip Starkey¬Steel, the Indestructible Man¬Steeltown Rockers¬Steve Canyon Magazine (Milton Caniff’s…)¬Steven¬St. George¬Sting of the Green Hornet¬Storm¬StormWatch¬StormWatch Sourcebook¬Straight Arrow¬Strange Adventures¬Strange Attractors¬Strange Combat Tales¬Strangers, The¬Strange Sports Stories¬Strange Tales (Vol. 1)¬Strange Tales (Vol. 2)¬Strange Tales (Vol. 3)¬Stratosfear¬Strawberry Shortcake¬Stray Bullets¬Stray Toasters¬Street Poet Ray¬Streets¬Street Sharks (Mini-Series)¬Strike!¬Strikeforce: Morituri¬Striker¬Striker: Secret of the Berserker¬Strontium Dog¬Strontium Dog (Mini-Series)¬Stryfe’s Strike File¬Stryke¬St. Swithin’s Day¬Stupid¬Stupid Heroes¬Stygmata¬Sub-Mariner, The (Vol. 2)¬Suicide Squad¬Sun-Runners¬Superboy (1st Series)¬Superboy (2nd Series)¬Superboy (3rd Series)¬Superboy Plus¬Super Cops, The¬Super Friends¬Supergirl (1st Series)¬Supergirl (2nd Series)¬Supergirl (Mini-Series)¬Super Goof (Walt Disney…)¬Superheroes¬Super Heroes Puzzles and Games¬Super-Magician Comics¬Superman (1st Series)¬Superman (2nd Series)¬Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey¬Superman Family, The¬Superman’s Girl Friend Lois Lane¬Superman’s Metropolis¬Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen¬Superman: The Legacy of Superman¬Superman: The Man of Steel¬Superman: The Secret Years¬Superman: The Wedding Album¬Superman: Under a Yellow Sun¬Superman vs. Aliens¬Supernatural Thrillers¬SuperPatriot¬Super Powers (1st Series)¬Super Powers (2nd Series)¬Super Soldier¬Super Soldiers¬Super-Team Family¬Super-Villain Classics¬Super-Villain Team-Up¬Supreme: Glory Days¬Supreme (Vol. 2)¬Surge¬Surreal School Stories¬Sushi¬Swamp Thing (1st Series)¬Swamp Thing (2nd Series)¬Sweet XVI¬Sword of Sorcery¬Sword of The Atom¬Sword of Valor¬Swords Of the Swashbucklers¬Syphons
Balloon: This is a list of all the various comic titles in the ComicBase. Select a title from this list then click “OK” in order to get information on that title.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global autoplaymode¬¬set TypedTitle_Text of window id wdID to objValue¬set properties of window id wdID to "typedTitle_Selection:0,200" & return & "OK_Disabled:" & (objValue = empty) & return ¬¬if autoplaymode = true then¬ send "CompleteAutoTitleSelect" to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 14,43,44,56
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
Name: Prompt
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Text: Title:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 49,41,361,58
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
Name: TypedTitle
LockText: FALSE
Text: Spectre, The (1st Series)
KeyFilter: SendTextNoArrows
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 14,8,368,21
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
AutoSize: FALSE
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Text: Choose the title you’d like information about, then click OK:
ItemType: PICT
Rect: 10,247,361,262
AutoSize: FALSE
Name: AlphaStrip
Grid: 27,1
Logic: Radio
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global titleList, autoplaymode¬global gShowOnlyMyTitles, gMyTitleList¬¬if gShowOnlyMyTitles = true then¬ SetNewList gMyTitleList, objValue, wdID, true¬else¬ SetNewList TitleList, objValue, wdID, true¬end if¬¬if autoplaymode then¬ send "AutoSelectOtherTitleLine" to cd btn "DoNextAutoPlayThing" of cd 3¬end if¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: LINE
Rect: 11,247,360,248
BlackColor: 4369,4369,4369
WhiteColor: -4370,-4370,-4370
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 14,23,46,36
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
Text: Show:
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 49,24,118,37
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: All Titles
Hilite: TRUE
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global selectedTitleNum, titleList, gMyTitleList¬global gCurrentPaneList, gShowOnlyMyTitles¬¬set cursor to watch¬¬put false into gShowOnlyMyTitles¬put line selectedTitleNum of titleList into theTitle¬put Capitalize(char 1 of (line selectedTitleNum of titleList)) into firstChar¬¬if firstChar >= "A" and firstChar <= "Z" then put CharToNum(firstChar) - 63 into alphaSelectPos¬else put 1 into alphaSelectPos¬set alphaStrip_Selection of window id wdID to (alphaSelectPos & ",1")¬¬SetNewList TitleList, alphaSelectPos, wdID, false¬set the properties of window id wdID to "Comictitles_Selection:" & (selectedTitleNum - (xlistStartPos of window id wdID) + 1) & return & "OK…_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return¬¬set typedTitle_text of window id wdID to comicTitles_SelectionText of window id wdID¬set typedTitle_Selection of window id wdID to "0,200"¬¬--end mouseUp
ItemType: RAD
Rect: 129,24,223,37
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
WhiteColor: -8739,-8739,-8739
Name: Titles in Stock
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬global selectedTitleNum, titleList¬global gMyTitleList, gMyTitleIndexedList¬global gLastIssueCoverPriceList, gCurrentPaneList, gLastIssueList, gMyTitleIndex¬¬set cursor to watch¬¬-- Build list of just the ones that are collected¬put the number of lines of titleList into numLines¬put xlate(MatCreate(1,numLines,"count"),comma,return) into linesList¬put insColumn(titleList,lineslist,2,tab) into indexedList¬put insColumn(indexedList,gHasIssuesList,3,tab) into indexedList¬put selectLines(indexedList,3,"char","=1",tab) into gMyTitleIndexedList¬put GetColumn(gMyTitleindexedList,1,1,tab) into gMyTitleList¬put GetColumn(gMyTitleIndexedList,2,2,tab) into gMyTitleIndex¬¬put true into gShowOnlyMyTitles¬¬put line selectedTitleNum of titleList into theTitle¬put Capitalize(char 1 of (line selectedTitleNum of titleList)) into firstChar¬¬if firstChar >= "A" and firstChar <= "Z" then put CharToNum(firstChar) - 63 into alphaSelectPos¬else put 1 into alphaSelectPos¬set alphaStrip_Selection of window id wdID to (alphaSelectPos & ",1")¬¬if gShowOnlyMyTitles = true then¬ SetNewList gMyTitleList, alphaSelectPos, wdID, false¬ put find(gCurrentPaneList, theTitle, "Line", "Exact") into foundPos¬ if foundPos < 1 and the number of lines of gCurrentPaneList > 0 then put 1 into foundPos¬ set the properties of window id wdID to "Comictitles_Selection:" & (foundPos) & return & "Modify…_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return & "Remove_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return & "NextIssue_Text:" & line selectedTitleNum of gLastIssueList & return & "NextCost_Text:" & line selectedTitleNum of gLastIssueCoverPriceList & return & "NextPrice_Text:" & line selectedTitleNum of gLastIssueCoverPriceList & return¬else¬ SetNewList TitleList, alphaSelectPos, wdID, false¬ set the properties of window id wdID to "Comictitles_Selection:" & (selectedTitleNum - (xlistStartPos of window id wdID) + 1) & return & "Modify…_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return & "Remove_Disabled:" & (theTitle = empty) & return & "NextIssue_Text:" & line selectedTitleNum of gLastIssueList & return & "NextCost_Text:" & line selectedTitleNum of gLastIssueCoverPriceList & return & "NextPrice_Text:" & line selectedTitleNum of gLastIssueCoverPriceList & return¬end if¬¬set typedTitle_text of window id wdID to comicTitles_SelectionText of window id wdID¬set typedTitle_Selection of window id wdID to "0,200"¬¬--end mouseUp